Friday 22 August 2014

The Best Messenger App For Your Grocery Retail Store Communication

01:26 Posted by Patrick Mahinge No comments
The retail industry is undoubtedly one of the fastest rising industries of our time. The competition that characterizes it is so stiff that if you do not find a way of keeping your customers loyal to you, you would soon find yourself out of business.

There are several things you can do to stay ahead of your competition when you are running a grocery retail store. One of these things is to keep your customers constantly updated about your store. While there are several ways of doing this, notifying them through a messaging app will probably be the easiest and most effective way of connecting with your customers.
There are several instant messaging apps that have been developed with business communication in mind. Hedzup Messenger (not spelled Headsup Messenger) is such an app. The app is a one-way messenger app that will allow you to send text messages with push notifications to your customers.

How to Use Hedzup Messenger for Your Retail Store Communication

Hedzup is a free messaging app by a Dublin-based development company. The app allows you to register your organization, after which you can form groups that you send messages to. In the case of a grocery store, the groups you create in Hedzup need to be open groups so that anyone willing to join may do so.
Here are some of the things you can do with Hedzup Messenger to grow your grocery retail store:
  1. Notify customers of new stock
Trust me, your customers will love you all the more if you keep them notified of when fresh produce is available in your store. Everyone loves a meal prepared with fresh vegetables. Be the person that makes it possible for your customers.
  1. Offer recipe samples
Mhh… Now that you have sold some fresh produce to your customers, why not go ahead and broadcast a set of vegetable recipes that you know.
  1. Send holiday and off day notifications
You will at times need to close your grocery store. It could be that you are going for a vacation or for other reasons. The best way to do this, and ensure that your customers will be waiting for you to get back to work is to broadcast messages via Hedzup. Let them know that you will not be available for awhile and notify them when you will be coming back.

With Hedzup integrated into your grocery retail store business, your connection with customers will be solidified. They will love you more for the prompt messages you send. If you have not yet registered with Hedzup, you are doing your business and customers a disfavor. I personally use Hedzup Messenger to notify all my followers of new weight benches at

Monday 4 August 2014

The Best Messenger App For Church Communication

12:39 Posted by Patrick Mahinge No comments
A church is like one big family where everyone needs to be kept in touch with what is transpiring. Like with every other organization, communication in the church is one of the key pillars that ensures cohesive operation.

Headzup Messeger (not spelled Headsup Messenger) allows for a leader of a church group to conveniently send out messages to the members. The members receive the messengers instantly through push notifications in the smart phones.

How to Get Your Church into Headzup Mobile App

With the Headzup Messenger app, taking your church communication digital is far easier than you may think. To start using the app, you will need to sign up your church organization with the app. After you have registered your church, different departmental heads can then create groups and invite their members to follow the groups.

Unlike many other apps that allow for an irritating two-way group chat communication, Headzup is a one way messenger. Only the leader of a group can send messages to the group followers. The members receive the message through push notifications in their smartphones. The messages are delivered in real time across all mobile platforms including Blackberry, Android, iPhone, feature phone and more. There is also a web version of the app that allows users to read messages in their computer.

A church usually has several departments. All these departments could be a group in Headzup with a designated group leader.

Here are a few creative ways that you can use Headzup in a church organization

  1. Attract the youth
The majority of smartphone users are youthful people. By using a messaging app to broadcast special church events, you will have netted a very important group of the congregation that might otherwise have felt left out. The youth, especially teens, favor text messages to any other form of communication.

  1. Use Headzup app to sell church tickets
Are you having a fundraising for your church? Make it stand out by creating an open group for the church members. By constantly communicating with the members, you can motivate them to contribute towards the event.

  1. Encourage attendance
Keep in touch with your members throughout the week and encourage them to attend mass on Sunday. There is no better way to achieve this than to use the best messenger app for organizations.
Anything that can be put in a church noticeboard can be broadcast using Headzup. There are more ways that you can use the Headzup Messenger app to grow your church. Only your imagination will limit you.

Tuesday 1 July 2014

35 Easy and Genuine Ways to Make Money Online in Kenya

06:25 Posted by Patrick Mahinge , , , No comments
How to make  money online in Kenya
Why should you even bother to make money online in Kenya when you can lazy-off in an office doing nothing the whole day and get a heavy paycheck at the end of the day?

This question is not rhetorical. It is what I get from my friends in the Kenyan corporate world when I approach them with the idea of making money online in Kenya.

Apparently, a lot of Kenyans who work in offices spend most of their time in Facebook and other social media channels. This has created apathy for any form of work that demands the subtlest form of effort on their part. What they forget is that careers are not sustainable nor is a salary.

Economies change.

Lay-offs happen.

A skill that is marketable today may not be in needed tomorrow.

It always makes sense to find some supplemental form of income. I have personally found this supplemental income to be in the form of genuine online jobs in Kenya.

Online income in Kenya is to an extent sustainable. Take for example writing in Bubblews. If you can write content that is always evergreen and that adds value to people’s lives (see here) you can be sure that the search engines will have chances of constantly fetching your articles as part of their search result pages (SERPs), and from what I have seen, articles in Bubblews appear higher in the search engine results page.

You get more views and a sustainable income while you are not even working. Think about that.

Bubblews is just but one way of making online money in Kenya. There are like 34 other ways you can use and be sure to get some money at the end of each workday.

Here is my favorite list of ways to make genuine money online in Kenya

  1. Freelance writing
Of course you have to have a knack for writing if you are to make money as a freelance writer in Kenya. I currently work in and and a multitude of other sites and get paid to write.
  1. Affiliate Marketing
If you run a busy blog, you can choose some products from the diverse cyberspace marketplace to promote on your blog. Make sure that you love the product you are promoting. It is the only way to remain passionate about it and write informational content about it.

  1. Make Money Facebook in Kenya
All you need to do is create and promote a Facebook fan page to start making money online.  Make sure that you have a loyal following then start promoting products online. You’ll be surprised at how easy it is to make genuine money online with Facebook in Kenya.

  1. Sponsored Reviews
If you run an authoritative blog, this is one of the other ways that you can earn some side income online. There are merchants who pay you to write about their products and post the reviews online. I am personally a big fan of writing sponsored reviews for . They pay anywhere between $10 and $20 per post.

  1. Bubblews
I dare not log off without mentioning Bubblews. It is the new fun and so far promising way of making an income online in Kenya. I joined the platform yesterday and I must say, if I will make to withdraw my earnings, this is one of the platforms that every Kenyan should be watching out for. You get paid to post, comment, like dislike and connect with other Bubblers in Bubblews.

As of now, the users in the platform seem confused as to whether the system should be a social media platform or a content sharing platform like hubpages and squidoo. The moderators in Bubblews also let anything go as long as it has hit the 400 words mark.

I personally choose to use the platform as a content sharing platform. Instead of solely targeting to get views from users in the platform, I target to get views from organic search engine results, which is way far sustainable than posting greetings and weather updates in Bubblews.

Talk to me, which are the other ways you use to make genuine money online in Kenya?

Wednesday 4 December 2013

5 Must Have Freelance Writers Kindle Books- A Review Of 5 E-Books On The Freelance Writing Topics

21:55 Posted by Patrick Mahinge , No comments
We all have read some or the other book in our life, be it related to academics, profession, religion, interest or on any other topic. With technological development in every sphere of our life even writing has been effected by it in a positive sense. A new concept that have been introduced few years back and is now widespread everywhere is e-books. The moment we see a prefix as “e” we understand instantly that it is referring to the electronic or digital media.
The buzz words are e-books or kindle books everywhere. Kindle books or e-books are in trend which is considered to be helpful as they are easily accessible on your gadgets. They say that you should never judge a book by its cover and with kindle books one can certainly read the review of a book before planning to buy it or read it. Though there is no harm you being the reader of the book and give your review of it first handed.

Let us read the review of the five must kindle books for freelancers.

The 5 must have freelance writers kindle books… The Freelance Writer's Handbook:

  • A Step-by-Step Guide to Immediate Income Working from Anywhere

For beginning freelance writer, this is one of the must read books. The author has provided a step by step guide which can be followed to make decent income online. The writer has written it in a very simple and informative manner. Following such books save your time and is worth to invest on such books. It is a very useful and realistic approach for aspiring freelance writers. While reading this book, it keeps you engaged and self-motivated till you complete reading it.

  • The Renegade Writer: A Totally Unconventional Guide to Freelance Writing Success (The Renegade Writer's Freelance Writing series)

People who have ever been involved in freelance writing have found this to be the right book to read as they pursue their dreams in the real world. This book contains highly practical tips which can be implemented to see the results. The writer's style of writing is easy to read with associated examples from real life situations. It keeps you connected to the real professional world with upfront yes and no answers at any particular situation.
Chapters like “Talking the talk” exposes you to the real interviewing techniques.
'Putting Pen to Paper' has given opinion on deadlines, quotations and fact checking before you confirm to go ahead with the writing contract.

  • The Moonlighter's Guide To Online Writing For Immediate Income

The is probably the shortest, yet most inspirational short e-book on online writing. The book carries a good introduction and a step by step guide to follow to fulfill the desired results with some helpful tips for getting started as an online writer with many writing tools like Google docs, open office etc.
Being a short book keeps the reader on their toes to finish it as soon as possible and start implementing what the reader has read. Some very interesting details related to online writing has been furnished that can be made best use of.

  • 2k to 10k: Writing Faster, Writing Better, and Writing More of What You Love

The writer narrates the book to you in a manner that you feel that you are reading about yourself. The reader feels like reading this book again and again because every time you reread this book you gain new meaning for same lines. It gets your grey matter to work in the right direction. It sparks a fire within you & motivates you saying to “yes, I can do this! I can make money writing online!" In fact, a lot of people have found it easier to implement what the book recommends way before they have completed reading it.

  • How To Make Money Blogging: How I Replaced My Day-Job With My Blog

This book is a blogger's ultimate guide to becoming successful through blogging that makes money at the same time. It also gives an insight into the social media and behind the picture reality which is unknown to most of us. People looking for blog writing should definitely refer to this book as a bible to blogging. This book clarifies your doubts related to blogging as a fresher. The writer the written the best through his own trial and error method which saves the time of new blogger making the same mistakes what the writer had made.

Tuesday 29 October 2013

Join Freelance Writing and Beat The KRA and Inflation at their Own Games

12:47 Posted by Patrick Mahinge , No comments
Inflation is biting Kenyans where it hurts most. The taxes have skyrocketed. Milk is now 60 bob and so is the price of your favorite newspaper, the Daily Nation. This probably means that you will have to do with black coffee for sometime as we watch the economy and find a hobby that does not involve reading horoscopes on the newspaper. What you don't know is that this could actually be a blessing in disguise.

Have You Thought of Becoming a Freelance Writer in Kenya?

Kenya’s employment rate stands at 58%. That’s not enough; the cost of living is also constantly rising while the salaries never quite seem to go up. That’s why when bills have to be paid at the end of each month; most people get caught up in a personal finance scam

The search for extra income has pushed people to do things they regret. Many people have quit well-paying jobs enticed by seemingly greener pastures only to find themselves trapped in a new job with more opportunities and less pay per output.. It doesn’t have to be like that. Poor Pay and Economic Mess Employers are paying us badly, but it’s not their fault. A position that offers a better pay package obviously has more demands and this is what many people often end up forgetting.

Disposable incomes are increasingly diminishing in the wake of tax increases and the general rise in the prices due to inflation occasioned by the apparent increase in the quality of goods and services. Economists argue that for better quality of life, the price to pay is usually a decrease in the amount of money in people’s pockets. When people spend all their money on consumer goods, they become broke and poor in the long term. However, this vicious cycle can be broken by being creative in finding ways to increase your income.

Increasing Income By Going Freelance

Freelance jobs come in handy. Freelancing is the new culture in Kenya. People who are talented can write articles for publications and earn even more than people working in regular jobs. All Bills Sorted Out What most people don’t know is that regular office workers waste a lot of useful time. Freelance writers will spend this time to write articles and hence generate the extra income, which can go a long way in footing their bills at the end of the month.

It is possible to generate ideas worth a few dollars a day while stuck in traffic on your way to the office or from the office. Writers will generate their power point and it will only be a matter of seconds to join the points and come up with income generating articles.

Better still, with the matatu industry in Kenya going hi-tech, freelance writers in Kenya who also double up as office workers can take advantage of the free WiFi in a way that no one else can. With the public service vehicles fitted Wi-Fi, you could end up making the extra income while on your
way home. Isn't it interesting to make money while everybody else is stuck in traffic?

Apart from the extra income, freelance writing gives the writer a chance to develop their career. As an art it is stimulating and refreshing to see your talent develop while at the same time being able to cash on it.

So, how do you start being a freelance writer in Kenya? The secret lies in developing a passion for writing. Write when you’re free and write without expecting anything in return. Write because nobody can do better than you in expressing an idea. Simply put, speak your heart out and if it earns you money, then the gods for the brains the talent. By now you must be wondering who on earth will be willing to pay you for your talent. However, for you to begin to make money there is need to have a portfolio to back you up. You cannot for instance claim to be talented in writing and yet cannot creatively compose a credible paragraph. So just write and let you articles earn for you, it could be your break from poverty.

Friday 25 October 2013

Hire Kenya Freelance Writers or PLR Articles, Choose One

12:48 Posted by Patrick Mahinge , No comments
I have seen the question answered a thousand times (by people who are mostly trying to sell their PLR articles to unknowing buyers and sometimes by freelance writers in Kenya). They romanticize the whole idea of selling bulk plr articles which appear as duplicate content on Google when you do a quick plagiarism scan. You will even hear some dumba** say that PLRs are okay for your blog…lol. Others will advise you to use them to blast your email lists…lolest

There are several reasons why I believe you should not buy bulk PlR articles if you love your business. I believe that you should aim to hire freelance writers as opposed to trying to get content the easy way.

  • 1.      Do you have the time to shuffle through 10,000 PLR articles checking their quality. A lot of bulk plr articles are crap. There are however a few of them that are really good in the pack. They however do not come labeled however, and there is no way I am seeing you directing your P.A to read all of them and sort them out for you. Bottom line. Buying bulk PLR articles is bullcrap!
  • 2.      Outdated Information
What do you want 10,000 PLR articles for?
Maybe you didn’t know this, but there is nothing new in those PLR articles that you are rushing to buy. If you really care about your readers, then you should really steer clear of PLRs.
  • 3.      Denies you the chance to express yourself

I like writing articles for my websites. I love feeling that I have control of what I dish out to the audience. Yes, no sir, I wouldn’t pay anyone to update my website. That’s how much I love staying true to myself. PLRs deny you the opportunity to express what is of utmost value to you. Regurgitating content will soon choke your creative muse.

The above 3 reasons should be convincing enough to make you want to hire freelance writers in Kenya or elsewhere to handle your blog content.

Hiring freelance writers Kenya actually makes a lot of sense than buying plr articles. To start with, most of the writers in Kenya fall under what can be categorized as cheap article writers. Get this clear though! The content that these writers is not anywhere cheap. It is hard to understand what makes them charge their services at a throw away price. I have heard it said it has something to do with the cost of living being lower in the country.

Whichever the reason, their writing services are something you should want to try.

PS I have worked with a team that calls itself Blogscheme Content Marketers and I can vouch for them. Their content is stellar, compelling and simply awesome.