Friday, 22 August 2014

The Best Messenger App For Your Grocery Retail Store Communication

01:26 Posted by Patrick Mahinge No comments
The retail industry is undoubtedly one of the fastest rising industries of our time. The competition that characterizes it is so stiff that if you do not find a way of keeping your customers loyal to you, you would soon find yourself out of business.

There are several things you can do to stay ahead of your competition when you are running a grocery retail store. One of these things is to keep your customers constantly updated about your store. While there are several ways of doing this, notifying them through a messaging app will probably be the easiest and most effective way of connecting with your customers.
There are several instant messaging apps that have been developed with business communication in mind. Hedzup Messenger (not spelled Headsup Messenger) is such an app. The app is a one-way messenger app that will allow you to send text messages with push notifications to your customers.

How to Use Hedzup Messenger for Your Retail Store Communication

Hedzup is a free messaging app by a Dublin-based development company. The app allows you to register your organization, after which you can form groups that you send messages to. In the case of a grocery store, the groups you create in Hedzup need to be open groups so that anyone willing to join may do so.
Here are some of the things you can do with Hedzup Messenger to grow your grocery retail store:
  1. Notify customers of new stock
Trust me, your customers will love you all the more if you keep them notified of when fresh produce is available in your store. Everyone loves a meal prepared with fresh vegetables. Be the person that makes it possible for your customers.
  1. Offer recipe samples
Mhh… Now that you have sold some fresh produce to your customers, why not go ahead and broadcast a set of vegetable recipes that you know.
  1. Send holiday and off day notifications
You will at times need to close your grocery store. It could be that you are going for a vacation or for other reasons. The best way to do this, and ensure that your customers will be waiting for you to get back to work is to broadcast messages via Hedzup. Let them know that you will not be available for awhile and notify them when you will be coming back.

With Hedzup integrated into your grocery retail store business, your connection with customers will be solidified. They will love you more for the prompt messages you send. If you have not yet registered with Hedzup, you are doing your business and customers a disfavor. I personally use Hedzup Messenger to notify all my followers of new weight benches at


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