There are several reasons why I believe you should
not buy bulk PlR articles if you love your business. I believe that you should
aim to hire freelance writers as opposed to trying to get content the easy way.
- 1. Do you have the time to shuffle through 10,000 PLR articles checking their quality. A lot of bulk plr articles are crap. There are however a few of them that are really good in the pack. They however do not come labeled however, and there is no way I am seeing you directing your P.A to read all of them and sort them out for you. Bottom line. Buying bulk PLR articles is bullcrap!
- 2. Outdated Information
What do you want 10,000 PLR articles for? |
Maybe you didn’t know this, but there is nothing new
in those PLR articles that you are rushing to buy. If you really care about
your readers, then you should really steer clear of PLRs.
- 3. Denies you the chance to express yourself
I like writing articles for my websites. I love
feeling that I have control of what I dish out to the audience. Yes, no sir, I
wouldn’t pay anyone to update my website. That’s how much I love staying true
to myself. PLRs deny you the opportunity to express what is of utmost value to
you. Regurgitating content will soon choke your creative muse.
The above 3 reasons should be convincing enough to
make you want to hire freelance writers in Kenya or elsewhere to handle your
blog content.
Hiring freelance writers Kenya actually makes a lot of sense than
buying plr articles. To start with, most of the writers in Kenya fall under
what can be categorized as cheap article writers. Get this clear though! The
content that these writers is not anywhere cheap. It is hard to understand what
makes them charge their services at a throw away price. I have heard it said it
has something to do with the cost of living being lower in the country.
the reason, their writing services are something you should want to try.
PS I have worked with a team that calls itself Blogscheme Content Marketers and I can vouch for them. Their content is stellar,
compelling and simply awesome.
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