Showing posts with label freelance writers kenya. Show all posts
Showing posts with label freelance writers kenya. Show all posts

Friday 10 October 2014

How to Get More Sales on Fiverr Gigs (Even Without Gig Extras)

10:52 Posted by Patrick Mahinge , No comments
increase fiverr gig sales Kenya
Today I would like to introduce you to a cool freelancing website known as Fiverr. This website is so cool that you can earn $60 per gig without even bidding for jobs!

If you are the type of person who usually gets a headache at the prospect of bidding for jobs in Elance and oDesk, relax and head over to Fiverr, but not before reading this email to the end first- I don't want you committing the same mistakes that so many other sellers in Fiverr make.

So how does Fiverr Work

At Fiverr, you will not be known as a Freelancer anymore. You will be known as a seller, and your clients will be known as buyers. The website lets you list your services for sale.... and you can list almost any service that you think you can sell up to the maximum of 20 services.

So, for instance, if you are a writer, go out there and create 20 gig (listings) of your writing services. Simply vary their titles and description and you will be in play.

When buyers visit Fiverr, they will discover your gigs and if they are impressed by your gig description they may choose to hire you/buy the gig from you! It is as simple as that. Create your gig, sit tight and wait for a buyer to come knocking!

How Much Will You Earn as a Seller in Fiverr

Sellers in Fiver are divided into 4 distinct levels:
  • Basic Level
  • Level One
  • 'Level Two, and
  • Super Sellers
The higher your level, the more you earn.

However, don't believe everything that Fiverr tells you.

You can earn as much as you want with your Fiverr gig regardless of which level you are. Though their website says that services start at $5.00, don't let this fool you.

I have written a whole article of close to 2000 words that details how you can earn more and sell more of your gigs when you are at the basic level in Fiverr.

It is important that you read this article before you start freelancing at Fiverr.

Click here to view the article right now.

How Will Your Receive Your Payments From Fiverr

Fiverr is one of the websites where you are guaranteed of your money for the services delivered. Payments are made through Paypal or by the Fiverr Debit Card. If you have never applied for your Payoneer Mastercard, this is the best time to do it. Fiverr  lets you apply for the card through their website.

Remember, if you ever have any questions, doubts or you just want to say a very big thank you to me, you can always reply to this email at any time.

Tuesday 29 October 2013

Join Freelance Writing and Beat The KRA and Inflation at their Own Games

12:47 Posted by Patrick Mahinge , No comments
Inflation is biting Kenyans where it hurts most. The taxes have skyrocketed. Milk is now 60 bob and so is the price of your favorite newspaper, the Daily Nation. This probably means that you will have to do with black coffee for sometime as we watch the economy and find a hobby that does not involve reading horoscopes on the newspaper. What you don't know is that this could actually be a blessing in disguise.

Have You Thought of Becoming a Freelance Writer in Kenya?

Kenya’s employment rate stands at 58%. That’s not enough; the cost of living is also constantly rising while the salaries never quite seem to go up. That’s why when bills have to be paid at the end of each month; most people get caught up in a personal finance scam

The search for extra income has pushed people to do things they regret. Many people have quit well-paying jobs enticed by seemingly greener pastures only to find themselves trapped in a new job with more opportunities and less pay per output.. It doesn’t have to be like that. Poor Pay and Economic Mess Employers are paying us badly, but it’s not their fault. A position that offers a better pay package obviously has more demands and this is what many people often end up forgetting.

Disposable incomes are increasingly diminishing in the wake of tax increases and the general rise in the prices due to inflation occasioned by the apparent increase in the quality of goods and services. Economists argue that for better quality of life, the price to pay is usually a decrease in the amount of money in people’s pockets. When people spend all their money on consumer goods, they become broke and poor in the long term. However, this vicious cycle can be broken by being creative in finding ways to increase your income.

Increasing Income By Going Freelance

Freelance jobs come in handy. Freelancing is the new culture in Kenya. People who are talented can write articles for publications and earn even more than people working in regular jobs. All Bills Sorted Out What most people don’t know is that regular office workers waste a lot of useful time. Freelance writers will spend this time to write articles and hence generate the extra income, which can go a long way in footing their bills at the end of the month.

It is possible to generate ideas worth a few dollars a day while stuck in traffic on your way to the office or from the office. Writers will generate their power point and it will only be a matter of seconds to join the points and come up with income generating articles.

Better still, with the matatu industry in Kenya going hi-tech, freelance writers in Kenya who also double up as office workers can take advantage of the free WiFi in a way that no one else can. With the public service vehicles fitted Wi-Fi, you could end up making the extra income while on your
way home. Isn't it interesting to make money while everybody else is stuck in traffic?

Apart from the extra income, freelance writing gives the writer a chance to develop their career. As an art it is stimulating and refreshing to see your talent develop while at the same time being able to cash on it.

So, how do you start being a freelance writer in Kenya? The secret lies in developing a passion for writing. Write when you’re free and write without expecting anything in return. Write because nobody can do better than you in expressing an idea. Simply put, speak your heart out and if it earns you money, then the gods for the brains the talent. By now you must be wondering who on earth will be willing to pay you for your talent. However, for you to begin to make money there is need to have a portfolio to back you up. You cannot for instance claim to be talented in writing and yet cannot creatively compose a credible paragraph. So just write and let you articles earn for you, it could be your break from poverty.

Friday 25 October 2013

Hire Kenya Freelance Writers or PLR Articles, Choose One

12:48 Posted by Patrick Mahinge , No comments
I have seen the question answered a thousand times (by people who are mostly trying to sell their PLR articles to unknowing buyers and sometimes by freelance writers in Kenya). They romanticize the whole idea of selling bulk plr articles which appear as duplicate content on Google when you do a quick plagiarism scan. You will even hear some dumba** say that PLRs are okay for your blog…lol. Others will advise you to use them to blast your email lists…lolest

There are several reasons why I believe you should not buy bulk PlR articles if you love your business. I believe that you should aim to hire freelance writers as opposed to trying to get content the easy way.

  • 1.      Do you have the time to shuffle through 10,000 PLR articles checking their quality. A lot of bulk plr articles are crap. There are however a few of them that are really good in the pack. They however do not come labeled however, and there is no way I am seeing you directing your P.A to read all of them and sort them out for you. Bottom line. Buying bulk PLR articles is bullcrap!
  • 2.      Outdated Information
What do you want 10,000 PLR articles for?
Maybe you didn’t know this, but there is nothing new in those PLR articles that you are rushing to buy. If you really care about your readers, then you should really steer clear of PLRs.
  • 3.      Denies you the chance to express yourself

I like writing articles for my websites. I love feeling that I have control of what I dish out to the audience. Yes, no sir, I wouldn’t pay anyone to update my website. That’s how much I love staying true to myself. PLRs deny you the opportunity to express what is of utmost value to you. Regurgitating content will soon choke your creative muse.

The above 3 reasons should be convincing enough to make you want to hire freelance writers in Kenya or elsewhere to handle your blog content.

Hiring freelance writers Kenya actually makes a lot of sense than buying plr articles. To start with, most of the writers in Kenya fall under what can be categorized as cheap article writers. Get this clear though! The content that these writers is not anywhere cheap. It is hard to understand what makes them charge their services at a throw away price. I have heard it said it has something to do with the cost of living being lower in the country.

Whichever the reason, their writing services are something you should want to try.

PS I have worked with a team that calls itself Blogscheme Content Marketers and I can vouch for them. Their content is stellar, compelling and simply awesome.